Monday, March 05, 2007


Forty year old research has been repeated with the same results.

Multi-tasking is bad for you. People who are multi tasking feel as though they have accomplished more because of the strain caused by multitasking.

In fact this is a false perception. Multitaskers report having accomplished more than they really did.

I worked on this research in the 1960 as part of my national security services to the Pentagon.

Multitaskers have both short and long term memory difficulties compared with people focused on onl a single task.

The human brain is hard-wired to focus on one task at a time, such as hunting, finding food, and reproducing.

Students who multitask, such as using their IM's while doing homework or reading a book, remember much less than they report being able to recall.

Thank you,
Dr. Frank Lynch


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